Anonymous Uncovers Possible ISIS Plan to Attack WWE Survivor Series Event

What’s up guys, for Complex News I’m Alex Hudgens. You may have heard by now that after terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for thehorrific attacks in Paris last weekend that left 130 dead and hundreds injured, onlineactivist group Anonymous declared cyber war on ISIS. According to the International Business Times, one or more of the hackers from the Anonymouscollective published a startling list on Pastebin under the screen name AnonOpParis Saturdaymorning, claiming to have uncovered ISIS plans for worldwide attacks on Sunday, November22. Some of the reported events to be attacked include: a demonstration for women’s rightsin Paris, Feast of Christ the King celebrations in Rome, and a Vegas heavy metal band FiveFinger Death Punch concert in Milan, in addition to more gatherings in Paris, Indonesia andLebanon. Anonymous revealed that ISIS, also called Daesh, is also planning an assault in theUnited States on the annual pay-per-view WWE Survivor Series event, scheduled to take placeat the Philips Arena in Atlanta on Sunday.  The event features the culmination of theWWE World Heavyweight Championships tourney and a celebration of The Undertaker’s 25-yearcareer in the WWE. WSB-TV Atlanta received a statement from the FBI that ensures the bureau’s awarenessof the threat against Atlanta and the Survivor Series event, promising that the threat isbeing taken seriously but also noting that there is no specific or credible informationof an attack. The WWE released an official response to WSB-TV concerning the rumored ISIS threat, stating,“WWE Survivor Series is currently scheduled as planned while we investigate the matterwith federal, state and local authorities. ”This leak of ISIS intelligence came alongside a statement from Anonymous, saying, “Thegoal is to make sure the whole world, or at least the people going to these events, knowthat there have been threats and that there is possibility of an attack to happen.  Anothergoal is to make sure Daesh knows that the world knows and cancels the attacks, whichwill disorientate them for a while. "Since Anonymous vowed to track ISIS down online as part of its Operation Paris, the collectivehas already identified thousands of Twitter accounts said to be associated with the terroristsand even removed some websites.  In an effort to ensure civilian safety, Anonymous has alsoalerted all appropriate authorities concerning the worldwide threats. We’ll keep you updated on the situation as it unfolds.  For all of your pop culturenews, subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

Source : Complex

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