Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Spicy Mayonnaise Peanut Butter Sauce Recipe

Hey guys, I'm Alejandra.  And I'm Caroline.  And today we're making Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Spicy Peanut Butter Sauce. For this we're using buttermilk, mayonnaise, The Heat Is On peanut butter, then we've got some salt and rapeseed oil for our sweet potato fries.  All right, so we're start out by getting our sweet potato fries going.  I cut these into some nice long fry shapes and I didn't peel them 'cause all that nutrition's righting the peel, so you don't have to peel them, don't do it.  Easier and healthier.  So I'm gonna ask you to just toss these with all that oil and some salt, just get them nicely coated, and then these are gonna go onto a baking sheet that we're gonna pop in the oven for about 15 minutes at 400 degrees, give them a quick flip, then pop them in for another10-15 minutes until they're fully crisp and done.  So while she's doing that, I'm gonna get started with our dipping sauce.  And this is again, super easy, we're just gonna add all of our ingredients right into the food processor starting off with that buttermilk. I love this 'cause it gives it a nice creamy tang.  Mayonnaise, always delicious.  It's kind of like bit of a little of a ranch thing going on, without all the herbs.  Oh totally, I like it. Like an UN-Herby ranch.  Yeah, an even easier ranch, I like it.  We added that salt and now I'm gonna add some peanut butter.  So we're using about two tablespoons of The Heat I Son 'cause this is so spicy and delicious, already got a lot of seasoning in it chichis why we're using it.  Making it so simple, it's great.  Yeah that's why it's so simple,it's got all that flavor packed in to one awesome ingredient.  We're just gonna give it a quick puree just until it's nice and smooth.  All right guys, so these are out of the oven and they're crispy and delicious, we let them cool just a teeny bit, but not too much if you like your fries hot.  And our sauce is also ready.  These are gonna be such fun sweet and spicy combo.  I love how easy all of this was.  Oh totally, it's so quick,it's a nice thing if you've got friends over, you're watching a game.  It's also just a perfect weekday side dish.  So there you have it: Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Spicy Peanut Butter Sauce.  All right lady, so you want to try one of these? Yes! Oh my gosh, so, so great. All right.  Get a little bit of that spicy sauce in there.  So good, it's amazing how much flavor that just a couple tablespoons of The Heat Is On adds.  Totally, there's Romany ingredients and they all really shine through.  Totally.  We made these baked fries with sweet potatoes which are a delicious and nutritious food.  What are some of your other healthy foods to make.  Tell us in the comment section below.  Thanks for watching,we hope you liked this recipe, and if you did, give us a thumbs up.  Every week we lookup a new peanut buttery dish, so make sure you follow the Peanut Butter & Co.  channel to catch them all.  We'll see you next time!

Source : Peanut Butter & Co.

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