Hi guys In this tutorial I will show you how to jailbreak your iOS device running IOS 8. 4 with Taig V2 And welcome to iCube Production channel The latest stable version of Taig is2. 4. 1, and you can download it right therefrom the website of Taig team Or you can download from the link that I put in the description of this video If you’re using the 64bit version of windows please check your iTunes version by going to help, and then select about iTunes And if the menu bar doesn’t appear by the way, you can show it by pressing Ctrl + B or clicking this menu and select Show menu bar On a 64bit Windows machinery 2. 4. 1 only works with iTunes 12. 0. 1due to the lack of the 64bit driver So if you’re running a newer version of iTunes, I suggest you to uninstall everything made by Apple from your computer download and install iTunes 12. 0. 1from the link that I put in the description of this video Remember to go to This PC, Music and then remove iTunes folder before installing iTunes 12. 0. 1so it can work normally So, if you’ve done all of that, let’s begin jailbreak your iOS device First, make a full backup of your iOS device on iTunes, including your apps. Meanwhile you can go to this page (ipsw. me) and download the firmware of your device. If you’re not sure what is the version of your device you can use this tool to check. I’m using an iPhone 5sand here you can see it’s iPhone 6. 1go back to the website and here is the correct firmware for my iPhone After completing both of them, turn off your device And then, plug in the cable and hold the home button until you see the iTunes logo Now your device is in recovery mode. Next, press Shift button on your keyboard and click restore select the firmware you’ve just download ed click ok, and let iTunes restore your device This step is strongly recommended because OTA software update usually cause iOS devices to be unreasonableness a fresh firmware restoration will make the jailbreak process a lot easier after the restore allocation your device if you use iCloud activation set it up as a new device. Don’t worry, your data will be restored later remember not to set up your pass code or Touch ID On your iOS device, go to settings, select iCloud, find my iPhone, and turn it off then open control center and turn on airplane mode Next, on your computer, right click on Taig and select run as administrator Wait for a few second until you see this uncheck the option to install 3K Assistant, and click Jailbreak After several restarts the jailbreak process will finish. Now unlock your device and launch Cyndia. Wait for a while until your device springiness in your iOS device, select it on iTunes and choose restore backup Choose the backup that you’ve made before and iTunes will take care of your device. While your data is being restored, open Cyndia again if you see a popup notification like this choose complete upgrade and then confirm to update Cyndia on your device to the latest version Finally, turn on Find My iPhone if it’s still offhand setup pass code and Touch ID on your device So that’s my tutorial for how to Jailbreak your iOS 8. 4 device Hope you guys enjoy it, and subscribe to my channel for more videos about iOS and other interesting topics Thanks for watching. Bye
Source : iCubeProduction