Hello everybody! We'd like to welcome all Internet users, and particularly those whohave a site based on WordPress. In this tutorial we're going to show you how to quickly and effectively protect your accountagainst intruders by connecting your site to Rublon, the internet security layer. Evenif a bad guy finds your password, Rublon will effectively prevent him from accessingyour account. After you set up Rublon, all your users will also have the option to protect their accountsif they wish to do so. Let's get started!To begin with, you will need a smartphone with the Rublon mobile app, as well as a devicewith which you'll be accessing your account (in this case, a laptop). Both devices willrequire an internet connection. Go to your WordPress based website and log in to your administrator account. Now go tothe "Plugins" page, click on "Add new" and search for Rublon. Now click on the "Install" button and confirm the operation. After turning on the plugin, you will be redirected to theRublon page, which you can also access from the bottom of the sidebar menu. We can seean important message here: "Before any of your users will be able to use Rublon, youor another administrator needs to protect his account first. " Now click on the "Protectyour account" button. A QR code will appear on your laptop screen. Scan the code withyour smartphone using the Rublon mobile app. Let's assume that you have previously usedRublon and your laptop has already been defined as a trusted device. In this case, your accountis now protected. The whole process only took a few seconds! Now if you go to the "Users"page, you will see that a Rublon icon has appeared on your account. If any of your usersalso decide to protect their accounts with Rublon, the same icon will appear next totheir username. I'm going to log out now in order to show you how to log in from a trusted device. Asusual, simply enter your username and password and press "log in". The only difference nowis that Rublon verifies your device before it grants you access. Logging in was fastand didn't require a smartphone. But what if you are using a device, for example, your workstation, that has not been definedas one of your trusted devices? I'll show you how that works. After you press the login button, Rublon will try to verify the device. Since it's not yourtrusted device, a QR code will appear that you will need to scan. Your smartphone willask you if you want to add this device (in this case your workstation) to your list of"Trusted Devices". Choosing "Yes" will let you access all your protected accounts withouthaving to use your smartphone. If you choose "No", you will have to scan a QR code the next time you will want to accessany protected account from your workstation. For the purposes of this tutorial, we presumethat your workstation is used only by you, and that you have pressed "Yes". By so doing,you have added your workstation to the list of your trusted devices, which means thatyou'll be able to access your protected accounts on this device without having to use yoursmartphone. Managing your trusted devices is easy: you have just learned how to add a new device. On the other hand, in order to remove one, you just use the Rublon mobile app on yoursmartphone, which means it can be done from anywhere in the world, regardless of wherethe particular device is physically present. We hope that this tutorial has been helpful, and that we've encouraged you to use Rublon,the internet security layer that protects your accounts against intruders. Find outmore about Rublon on www. rublon. com. See you next time!
Source : Rublon