How to Verify a WordPress Site With Google Webmaster Tools

how to verify a wordpress site with Google Webmaster Tools hello and welcome in this video session I'm going to show you quick and easy methods for you to be able to verify your website in Google Webmaster Tools account so simply what you do obviously you would had registered an account with Google Webmaster Tools once you're there you simply add your site if you haven't already you simply press Continue you know what will happen is you have many many different ways to verify your website I made a video tutorial session covering all the other methods so I'm gonna make this video quick and easy all you do is you download this filet your own computer okay or you can choose the alternative way and put this tag inside your WordPress header file okay so you simply log into your WordPress site and on the left had side you got appearance here you press on once you're in there what you do is you go to editor press on that and all you have to do is simply locate this header dot PHP file and you press on that so it comes up here and as you can see regardless of the theme that you're WordPress has this header. php file okay simply locate that in appearance in editor and what you have to do is find the head element start of head element is here end of your head element is here so therefore anywhere in between the head element you paste that code you've just download it from not download but copied from your Google Webmaster Tools account once you do that all you have to do so simply copy that Meta tag place it in there header. PHP file and Press update once you do that all you have to do isgo back and Press on verify and that's all there is to it now because you downloaded that file if you want to use the other options in if we go back the recommended method Google Webmaster tool recommends for yous to upload this file so therefore its numbers will be different in your account right so you download that file go in to your hosting account log into your web hosting find file files option go under files manager where ever your root folder resides on your hosting account and all you have to do is go in to your public underscore public underscore HTML folder which is the root folder and simply upload that file that google gave which was this so that's uploaded now and if we refresh we will see that file being in the root folder I actually would be encouraged to use this method if you can if you can't it doesn't matter because I just shown you how toucan easily verify your website before I close this let meals show you where control+U as you can see that's the code Google gave us but if you canyon can perhaps remove this and upload the file because you now know how to do that but if not simply leave this in place and that's how you install and verify aWordPress site with webmaster tool snow before you head out keep an eye only youtube channel which is servicewoman have many useful video tutorials specially if have have content management system like WordPress I thank you very much for your visit and learning with me I hope to talk to you in the next video session thank you very much take care bye bye

Source :  RankYa

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