Hi everyone, I'm Andrea Or beck, fitness expert and pregnancy fitness specialist. Have with me today Carrie. She is in her second trimester. Together, we're gonna show you some of the exercises you can do in your first, second, and third trimester. We're gonna doa 10- minute circuit. All you're gonna need is some water, 3- to 5- pound hand weights,and a good attitude. So, we have 10 minutes on the clock. Here we go. You're gonna star tout with a little bit a big motor movements with your legs. Carrie is gonna show a nice wide pile. Shoulders down and back. Palms up at your shoulders and we're gonna do squats for 15 repetitions where you go. Very good. So, you know, it's a couple great things. Good posture, nice open knees, and you're wanting to squat into your flutes through your heels and through the quads. Very good. This exercise is really gonna come in handy as you start to get heavier in your later trimesters; you'll need the strength in your legs. Very good. Counting down five, four more, last three, awesome posture. Two more from here and one. Very good. So now, we're gonna move in to the cardio component. A little bit closer, wide base of support. 30 seconds on the clock. Nice quick movements. Where you go? Very good. So this movement will not only continue to stimulate your legs and your quads, you'll also get a little bit more heart rate. It's very important to do your cardio simply because your system is working already. You wanna be able to complement it. Very good. So you'll notice her weight's on her heels. Shoulders down and back. Can you start feeling your heart rate? Oh yeah. Very good. Nice job. You wanna make sure you're breathing nice and deep. Five more. 4 more seconds. Three, two, and one. So now, we're gonna move into dead lifts. You wanna use 5- to 8- pound hand weights. Nice and slow. 15 repetitions through this movement. Hinging at the hips. Stand up nice and tall. So your breathing pattern is to bend over. Inhale and then exhale as you come up. Very good. You'll notice that Carrie's posture is nice and tall at the top. Shoulders down and back. Knees are slightly bent. Now, of course, if you get winded or you need a break, you go ahead and take it. Very good. Dead lift are extremely important because as your center of gravity starts to change, you wanna be able to be able to practice bending over and standing up. It's a very important skill to have. This our last five, Carrie. Very good with breath and posture. Four from here. We have bent over rows coming up. Last two. Last one. Standing, catch your breath. So the next one, we're gonna continue to complement that posture kinetic chain,which is your posture. You're gonna bend on over nice and deep in the knees and then pull through. Very good. So, we're 15 repetitions again. Now, of course, as you start to get very heavy in the boobs, there's gonna be a tendency to slouch. So, you wanna be able to make sure all these muscles are strong to oppose that slouch. Very good posture. Can you feel the back doing the work? Good. Her setup is good. She has five more from here. Last three. Last two. Good girl. Last one. So, we're gonna move back into that cardio component and a little bit of abs. Single arm, pull, elbows to knees, 15 seconds where you go on the clock and begin. Excellent. So, this is a great way to do standing co retraining to get all those rectums abdominal muscles and the deeper they're called transverse. They help the core conditioning and your lower back. Four more. Last three seconds. Two undone. Switching sides. Very good. Good. So, doing single- leg exercises can be beneficial because we compromise our stability. If you feel that you need a chair close by, go ahead and use it. Awesome posture. Good speed. Good. All right. So, here you go. I'm gonna have you do nice and tall biceps curl, shoulders down and back. Very good. So just because you're growing and all of your changes in your 40 weeks doesn't mean that you have to compromise your arms. It's really important to keep your core conditioning out. We're gonna do five more from here. Four more. Very good. Last three 'til triceps. Two and one. Catch your breath. We're gonna do bent over triceps at the back of the arms, pull into row, and then go ahead for 15 repetitions. Good. Get those triceps at the back of therms. Nicely done. There's a lot of preparations as you prepare for childbirth. You want your body as strong as you can. Once your baby is delivered, of course you could choose to breast feed and you're gonna hold your baby for long periods of time. You you're your upper body to be strong. Five more from here. Four. Last three. Great posture. Two and standing up. Very good. Catch your breath. We're gonna transition actually into postural specific muscles the rotatory cuff. Palms facing up. Extend outward. Very good. These are ones you should do as often as you can. It helps oppose the slouch when that heavier bust and belly start to pull your forward. Five more from here. Four. Very good. Last three. Two,awesome, and one. Okay, Carrie, ready for round 2? Yeah. Good. So, we're gonna start from the top, round 2, the same movements. We're gonna have pile squats. 15 repetitions. Very good. Now, of course, if you're way more conditioning, you can add 5 to 10 repetition son if you have the time. Otherwise, for the sake of the 10- minute workout, stick with the one we're showing you. Very good. Five more from here. Four, very good. Last three,two, and one. So, we'll hand up the weights. Back to cardio. 30 seconds on the clock. Air squats. Begin. Nice work. Breathing is so very important and there's gonna be changes of course, not only the exercise induced, but pregnancy induced. You're gonna feel that your body temperature changes. You wanna make sure that you're finding a cool space to workout in and wearing clothes that aren't too tight. Very nice. Good with the breathing. Excellent posture. Weight on your heels. That's good. And of course, any time you need a chair,you go ahead and use it. You have last three, two, one second. Good job. Catch your breath. Back to dead lifts, round 2. You're ready to go? Yeah. 15. Excellent. So you'll notice that this movement is very familiar not only in the gym, but when you're picking up your child, picking up toys, bending down. It's great to get in to those postural habits. Your child is only gonna get larger and you're gonna need good form to pick him or her up. Very good. Nice on the finish. Nice tall posture at the top. Good breathing is so important. Excellent. Last five, four, three, two, and one. Good. Catch your breath. From here, we're gonna go back into the bent over rows. Nice hinge. Good. And go ahead and pull. Very good. These will always come in handy. We could always use a strong back especially when you start to have huge busts in the front. Those habits are gonna come in. Very good. We're counting 15 total. Nice bent knees. Good arched back. Last two. Last one. Excellent, lady. Stand up nice and tall. Wonderful. You're ready for abs again? Yeah. Way you go. 30 seconds in the clock. Back into heart rate, alternating elbows to knees. Here you go. Very good. You'll notice she's breathing. Nice tall posture. Now, if you don't have great balance, you can always extend out your arm to balance. In Carrie's sake, she's going into it with a lot of great balance. Five seconds, four, three, two, and switch it out if you feel ready. Very good. Now, if you feel like you need to take a break with your hands or need a sip of water, go ahead and do that and pick up when you're ready. Excellent posture and breathing. Two and one. Here we go. Now that your heart rate's high,back to biceps. Catch your breath. Right from here, 15 repetitions. Good. There's no need why we have to lose our tank top season even though our busts are big and our belly is getting big in the front. Keep those arm strong. You'll love the tone all throughout. Excellent posture. You're not losing your slouch. Love that you're staying nice and tall, and you'll notice she's breathing every single repetition. Good. We're using 5. If you feel you wanna opt out and your arms are really strong, go ahead and use 7. This is four more reps. Last three, two, awesome, and one. Catch your breath. You're gonna do triceps, bent over triceps extensions, pull in a row, and fully extend. 15 repetitions. Very good. Nice wide base of support. You can opt out and do this sitting on a ball or a chair. For the sake of stability,Carrie and I are gonna stay upright so that her lumbar gets a little bit of work on it too. Excellent posture. Shoulders down and back. Here we go. Can you feel the back of your arms? Oh yeah. Good girl. Last one and stand on up nice and tall. Very good. From here, back into our rotation. Good job. Excellent. These are good ones to do even if you're not doing them in a circuit. When you get up in the middle of the night or you're lying in bed, you can just open up your posture, it's hard to sleep when you get all slouchy,these are great movements to remedy it. Very good. Last four. Last three, last two, good girl, and one. Are you ready for our cool down? Yeah. Good. So we're gonna cool down by doing a little bit of stability work. I'm gonna ask you to widen your base of supports little bit and then alternate doing a single hold hold. There you go with the knee up and then slowly drop down. Good. So you'll notice when you lift the knee the other ankle change sides. Excellent. When you pull off that knee, you'll notice the weight bearing leg has little bit of shake to it. There's nothing wrong with that. It's great to have the stability especially later in your trimester when you start to get dizzy. Very good stability. Last two. Good girl. Last one. Carrie, you are awesome. Thank you.
Source : Parents Magazine