today I will show you how to jailbreak ios 9. 0. 2using my iPhone 4s running iOS 9. 0. 2. all you need to do is this from your iOS devicego to www. pangu9. mobihere you will get an explanation. basically youinstall an app that has cydia injected cydia can't be installed on a device that hasn't been jailbrokenapplications that Apple has approved can be installedpangu team has found a way to hide cydia inside approved applicationscan install this application and when you start application cydia will beinstalled in the background. procedure is inside directed side so all you need todo is download an injected at all free of course and start there and leave itrunning for about 30 seconds to give cyria time to install its up to just goto paying move by clicking they still cannot hear to get to the store with theprojected acts all these games or 100% free and they're all enjoyed the cityare you just download any app doesn't matter which is going to try the firstwhen I see just going to store itjust wait for it to download and install and as you can see I don't have Cydiainstalled either so my advice is not been jailbroken yet there's no cityright now and downloading the free app that has Cydia hidden inside it so all Ihave to do is stop this started out keep it running for about 30 seconds and thenrestart my devised and then the jailbreak and said he should finish upyou don't have to do anything inside there right nowCD is being installed in the background so you only have to keep yeah it doesn'tmatter if you do anything in this after not important thing is to keep their ownthing that you do it you can install this app afterwards when your jailbrokennow all you need to do is restart your devicewas started up againthe device needs to finish the jailbreak process and install Cydia next time yourestart your device it will start jailbreaking and one more very importantthing will sometimes patches these ads so is the first app doesn't work andjust try another free app and of course they're 100% free so you got nothing tolose and new apps are added dailyusually books try like it did for me nowtutorial jailbreak is finishing upthat's just how easy it is to jailbreak ios 9would be very happy if you coming to rate and subscribed and also please fillme in the comments section how this jailbreak book for you thanks forwatchinghave a good one